MeeSoh smiling in front of a tree
MeeSoh smiling in a restaurant

MeeSoh Bossard


MeeSoh Bossard, MA, LCSW (she/her/hers) is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and a second-year doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Wyoming. She received her Masters in Social Work from the University of Chicago’s Crown Family School of Social Work, Social Policy and Practice and completed her post-masters fellowship at the North Little Rock Veterans Hospital in Little Rock, AR. 

MeeSoh has a passion for supporting folks with marginalized identities navigate post-traumatic healing, particularly those who have experienced sexual assault. She works from a recognition  that navigating traumatic stress is challenging, and that this is especially true for folks with marginalized identities given the added challenges of navigating systems of oppression. She believes that receiving support in the aftermath of relational violence can be critical, and strives to support clients in navigating  changes in mood, relationships and identity in a client-focused and intentional way. 

MeeSoh has training in various therapies specific for traumatic stress including cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and prolonged exposure therapy (PE). MeeSoh also has training in supporting folks experiencing challenges that often co-occur with traumatic stress such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Recognizing the limits of many interventions to holistically support folks with marginalized identities, MeeSoh strives to center humanistic and liberatory practices to care. 

MeeSoh worked as a staff therapist providing trauma-specific therapy to military survivors of sexual assault and combat trauma at Rush University Medical Center’s Road Home Program as well as an eating disorder therapist at Chicago Center for Evidence-Based Treatment. As a current doctoral student, she studies how to improve clinical treatments for assault survivors with marginalized identities. 

Outside the office/classroom, you can find her sipping tea, hiking one of the many Wyoming mountains, or writing poems with her fellow Mixed-Race Writers.  

You can reach MeeSoh at